10 Quotes From Entrepreneurial Icons That Will Inspire You to Crush 2015

10 Quotes From Entrepreneurial Icons That Will Inspire You to Crush 2015

9 years ago 0

1. I like thinking big. If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big. — Donald Trump No successful entrepreneur starts something with the goal of being mildly successful, especially not Donald Trump. If you truly believe that you have an amazing idea or think you can expand your business, then go for it. The “go big or go home” mentality has worked very well for many — will you be next? 2. Move fast and break things. Unless you are breaking stuff, you are not moving fast enough. — Mark Zukerberg Sometimes, windows of opportunity don’t remain open for too long. If you have an idea or see an opportunity, strike and move fast. It is impossible to tiptoe along and avoid all mistakes or pitfalls. Those that wait, or move slow due to being over-cautious will sometimes miss out. Facebook was struggling with monetization when the majority

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Seven Secrets of Self-Made Multimillionaires

9 years ago 0

No. 1: Decide to Be a Multimillionaire — You first have to decide you want to be a self-made millionaire. I went from nothing—no money, just ideas and a lot of hard work—to create a net worth that probably cannot be destroyed in my lifetime. The first step was making a decision and setting a target. Every day for years, I wrote down this statement: “I am worth over $100,000,000!” No. 2: Get Rid of Poverty Thinking — There’s no shortage of money on planet Earth, only a shortage of people who think correctly about it. To become a millionaire from scratch, you must end the poverty thinking. I know because I had to. I was raised by a single mother who did everything possible to put three boys through school and make ends meets. Many of the lessons she taught me encouraged a sense of scarcity and fear: “Eat all your

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Looking for Inspiration? These 10 Articles Will Ignite Your Entrepreneurial Spark.

9 years ago 0

10 Inspirational Quotes from Navy SEAL Training The lessons learned by Navy SEALs extend well into the field of entrepreneurship. For example, SEALs learn through their painfully rigorous training that nothing lasts forever. It’s important for entrepreneurs to keep that in mind, particularly in those early days of building a business, where the 24/7 toil can seem endless. So keep going. Keep on keepin’ on. And for more lessons on how to be a trooper from the ultimate troopers, read this post. The Most Telling Sign That You Might Be an Entrepreneur Wondering if you have what it takes to make it on your own? There are50 signs that you might be headed in the right direction, but it’s really all fluff around the center donut hole: Are you willing to take risks where others aren’t? That’s what will separate you from the pack. Become More Positive With These 5

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